Sunday, August 30, 2009


So the past week has been a good happy one :-)

Gymed 3 times, walked 2.8kms 2 times and played netball! Now for those who know netball, I usually play GS. A pretty low key position when it comes to moving around. Well this games I played GS then GA for other 3 quarters and it was hard but fuck I felt good after (except for when I got smashed in the nose and had a nice swollen blue nose for a few days) but feeling really good.

So I joined a new gym which I'm feeling great about (it has only been 1 week though). It's kind of like a curves (female only circuit training) mixed in with Weight Watchers). They weigh you twice a week, you talk with a weight/food/mind consultant twice a week, they also do your measurements once a month and have some really good motivation tools and challenges. So I went yesterday morning and apparently lost 700g in 4 days yay!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend - I have been having a great one.

Things I am grateful for:
1 - my family
2 - my loving supportive bf
3 - our adorable little town house we are turning into a home
4 - a job!
5 - happiness



Beth said...

GOOD JOB!!! Feels good, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

You go girl!

KEEP ON TRACK! i have just joined curves and am going to start after my op. very excited! THAT IS a pretty intense system twice a week! but it will be really helpful!

I can't wait till my operation just a matter of days! yayaya!!

thanks for your inspiration!

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